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CP Topics

Topics are Consciousness, Physics (QM and Cosmology), Neuroscience, Psychohistory, Software, Explanation of this paper, and Religion.

1 Subjective, via Introspection - Consciousness model, mathlogic, dual / povpoint of view theory

2 Physics

2.1 QM - Wavefunction is contents of mind, Collapse is decision, Entanglement is communication, etc

2.2 Cosmology - not emphasized at this time

3. Neuroscience

At the current state of CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" knowledge, it hardly matters exactly how a brain works. The current CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" model is so uncertain - meaning, there are many significant alternatives - that almost any possible brain mechanism could be accomodated. Alternatives to the basic homunculus model include:

The mindonFunctionally central conscious particle, i.e. "you" could change at any (or all) times. It might be located anywhere in the brain (even outside of it). There might be a million mindons, and they all get the same data, make almost the same decisions, therefore all think they're in control. "You" would be just one of those. (Exercise for the reader: Which one?) Or there might be two mindons; "split personality" syndrome results when they're out of sync. In fact every (suitable) particle in your brain could, at one time or another, think it's "you". Quadrillions of them might be thinking that right now, for all I know. There's another communication channel, "quantum entanglement". Its relation to axonic impulses is unclear. Unlike axon communication, entanglement can exist without the rest of the brain (ROB"Rest of Brain", leaving out the mindon). The mindonFunctionally central conscious particle, i.e. "you" may have "on-board" memory: when removed from the brain a mindonFunctionally central conscious particle, i.e. "you" might remember somewhat. The mindonFunctionally central conscious particle, i.e. "you" may not have free will; instead ROB"Rest of Brain", leaving out the mindon makes all decisions. And so on.

4. Psychohistory

The term is borrowed from Isaac Asimov's classic science fiction trilogy "Foundation". The Foundation series is set millions of years in the future, when population of the galactic empire is quadrillions. Hari Seldon invents "psychohistory", enabling accurate prediction of the actions of large groups of humans. He discovers the Empire is about to collapse ... and the story goes on from there.

CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" exploits the connection of particle and human to develop a mathematical treatment of human behavior, based on QM. Particle behavior is random (in the sense specified by QM), and so is human behavior. But averaging over many particles or humans, we get (almost) certain answers. Applied to large masses of humans over long time periods, CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" becomes very much like Asimov's psychohistory. It's a method to rigorously analyze human interactions and societies.

My goal, in this paper, is to develop psychohistory in particular. Unfortunately I've figured out only a small portion of it: dozens of pages out of many thousands. But that's good, it leaves a lot for you to do.

5. Software

Simulation, object-oriented programming (OOP), algo language, Artificial Intelligence language / paradigm

6. Explanation of this paper

CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" must be able to explain where this paper comes from. It's a separate topic which ties together all the others in a practical synthesis. This is how you can judge how good any "Theory of Everything", such as CPConscious Particle, or "Theory of Conscious Particles" theory, is: how well it explains itself.

7. Religion

generated on 2024-07-27 03:05:07