Theory of Small Life ..

Posted by algore on February 19, 2000 at 16:09:26:

Theory of Small Life

This is a "Theory of Everything" which explains physics, life and Conscious Particles. Of course it may not be true, but I claim it's possible. Please tell me if you know of any contradicting evidence.

It consists of these guesses:

1. Matter is divisible "forever". Inside the smallest known particle is a universe of detail.
2. Time is proportionately faster at those small scales.
3. Since small worlds are almost infinitely faster and more numerous than this one, many evolved small life long ago.
4. This algorithmic behavior, that we see as "Conscious Particles", explains, or at least doesn't contradict, all known physics.

1. Matter is infinitely divisible.

We can ignore the question whether infinity is possible in reality (it isn't) because all I need is that it goes down to, say, 10^-400. That should be plenty enough to guarantee the evolution of small life.

Quantum Mechanics puts lower bounds on quantum of action, charge, spin, energy levels, other quantum numbers, but not length, time, density, mass. The idea is that planck's constant is the "entry level" of action in our local world. At smaller levels they'd have their own planck's constant scaled down. With this understanding we see that QM puts no lower bounds on size, nor does any other physics or science.

On the other hand of course I can't prove that detailed things exist down there. The q. is, "is it plauible"? My answer is yes.

2. Smaller is faster

To keep it simple, let's suppose there's literally a scaled-down universe inside each particle (there are many similar models). Then it will be about 10^-40 smaller. Call that a "span" and suppose, again for simplicity, that it repeats as you continue to get smaller. now suppose that the following rule holds between spans:

Smaller is Denser is Faster, in linear proportion

Thus in the universe inside a particle, an object like a clock would be a span denser and a span faster. With this proportionate change, all physical laws and constants scale down correctly. Notice that when u adjust the units of kg, meters, secs by this rule, then G, h and c all remain unchanged. All experimental evidence is fits .. I have some more details, but I'll wait until people get this far. The bottom line appears to be: those scaled-down universes could, given the known laws of physics, operate just like ours but much faster.

3. Evolution would be inevitable

IF the first two points were right, evolution, or creation, or whatever, would probably occur, and life would exist down there. it would be analogous to us, but almost infinitely far ahead in knowledge. Unfortunately, they're so small and fast that direct communication is approximately impossible. However, if they were industrious enough to build structures, that we perceive as particles, the effects of these small intellects may be noticeable by us.

4. So, if particles were "conscious" in this sense (they mite better be thot of as algorithmic robots), does that fit with known evidence? Yes. It explains "quantum weirdness" well: see CP and Schroedinger's Eqn post. Of course, it explains the mystery of consciousness. It explains GR as "algorithmic gravity" (altho I still need to prove that with a simulator), and accounts for the particle zoo as the result of long-term application of intelligence. The only drawback: robot particles can account for literally any behavior at all: it's "too" powerful an explanation. If it predicted exactly the behavior we see, and only that, it would be very convincing. Instead, "by proving everything it proves nothing". Well, I'm still working on that part :)


ps. please ask about any detail, there are plenty of them. I can't prove anything, but I can demonstrate plausibility.

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